Examples of a good digital marketing strategy

When Reliance’s Mukesh Ambani announced the availability of the much awaited JIO SIM from the 5th of September, 2016, the whole of India went bonkers. Any individual with smart-phones as cheap as 2,999 could sample all the Jio services till the 31st of December for gratis. The movement was no doubt a good marketing strategy with over 16 million users claiming to use the SIM. A good digital marketing is not only about the increase in conversion. It is also about the competition it ignites as Jio sure did. Competitors such as Bharti Airtel had to now develop a better strategy. This ongoing battle of being ahead is what makes a business function.

Digital marketing as a vast platform both via on and off internet has many implementations. One among them is the recent use of social media and the use of advertisements. Advertisements are everywhere, on the Tv, on websites, outdoor, radio and even cinema. Although brands are opting to optimize the use of social media with creativity yet informative content to spread awareness, print marketing still tops. Contributing 41% of the total advertising revenue with a following TV advertisements of 38.2%. Leaving aside all the types of advertisements, let us talk about advertisements itself.

The advertising industry in India is projected to be the second largest fastest growing in Asia after China. Advertisements make up a great deal of digital marketing since it is everywhere be it on the Tv or on a website. To have a good creativity, good orientation, customer engagement or brand connect are some of the tools a good digital marketing does. There was this particular advertisement by Samsung promoting service vans for the consumers. That advertisement as a part of the digital marketing strategy was not only soulfully powerful but also hit the bull’s eye of what a good marketing should be. A serviceman goes through all the perils to fix a TV to which he does with delight. Apart from fully engaging with the customer he also makes sure he is on time as the client requested. Everything in the advertisement sums up so perfectly. India as a growing industry has so many good digital marketing strategies which cannot be named. TV advertisements as we know fall under the category of traditional marketing strategy. But, the same ads are now also available to every online websites such as Youtube.

Digital marketing strategy 

As much as a good digital marketing strategy can impact the audience, the strategy can sometimes backlash the same. An example of a bad digital marketing strategy gone wrong was the recent advertisement by Pepsi. Since people mostly engage on the internet or Tv, advertisements take a stronger and faster approach than the print ones. In the digital marketingstrategy gone wrong, we see a beautiful model pacifying the intensity of the movement with just a cold drink. As absurd as can be, critics and people likewise have criticized it the same. The ad has been viewed as a co-opt of the resistance while featuring a celebrated, white famous model. Using a drink sold by a massive conglomerate to create peace between activities and law engagements. The problem here was not with the ad but the idea behind it. It is not everyday that a movement takes place nor can it be pacified with just a drink. So big an issue is made so trivial a message.

Hence, digital marketing having the upper hand to connect to the audience through the various available devices can also become detrimental unless properly planned. Knowing what the audience wants after a good speculation and study is always the best scenario.
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  1. Valuable for information, if there are any other blogs related to this then kindly update us

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