Wedding catering in Delhi

While lazing around the sultry Monday evening on Face-book, we came across this very beautiful and insightful video on ‘dating’ and ‘marriage’. In this particular video, the man talks about why he would never date, not that he is against it, he makes sure of that. However, the point that he makes that grips our mind is when he made this valid point, the focal point of the topic when he says that dating is chiefly relied on to ‘chance’, a chance where one is uncertain of being with your other half for a lifetime as they are made to believe. Wedding or a marriage on the other hand, is one of the biggest step any individual can make, it is a promise of ‘commitment’ of a lifetime for better or for worse. It is either the biggest blessing or the greatest curse but hey let us not be cynical here. Not many are a fan of the ‘happily ever after’ story but it also does not mean that it does not exists, it exists for the lucky, blessed few. Birth, death and marriages are the things that h...